Kilns for Regeneration of Diesel Particle Filters
Pyrotec GmbH

Toploader for Regeneration of Diesel Particle Filters

  •  airing by means of holes in bottom and lid
  •  perforated shelf on 3 supports for maximum temperature distribution
  •  temperature controll with thermocouple type S PtRh-Pt
  •  over-temperature protection by means of a second contactor
  •  controller TC88 connected to the kiln by means of plug/socket
  •  Heating elements spread even around the wall, safeguarded inside the bricks
  •  high quality refractory bricks for insulation, second layer insulation SUPERWOOL ®
  •  stainless steel cover
  •  powder coated stand (optional with rolls)
  •  lid opens wide, kiln easy to lock
  •  Safety switch cuts power off, when lid is opened
  •  36 months guarantee (execpt heating elements and thermocouples)

Controller TC 88

Regelung TC 88

Compact controller, may be programmed along your specific demands.

      Included in delivery:

      1 Kiln with comfortable lid opening
      1 Controller TC 88
      1 perforated shelf with 3 supports
      Manuals for kiln and conroller

  Technical Data Kilns for Regeneration

Model              Art-No Volume Inner Dim. Outer Dim. Tmax Weight Power Voltage Fuses Power Plug
[Liter] Ø / h [cm] B / T / H [cm] [°C] [kg] [kW] [V] [A]  
103 052 00
 52 43 / 34 57 / 73 / 75 1200 45 3,6 230 16 Schuko
103 052 04
 52 43 / 34 57 / 73 / 75 1260 45 4,5 400 / 2 N 2 x 16 CEE 16
103 06800
 70 43 / 46 57 / 73 / 87 1100 55 3,6 230 16 Schuko
103 068 04
 70 43 / 46 57 / 73 / 87 1260 55 5,7 400 / 3 N

3 x 16

CEE 16
103 085 04
85 48 / 46 63 / 78 / 84 1260 65 5,7 400 / 3 N 3 x 16 CEE 16
103 103 00
105 48 / 57 63 / 78 / 95 1260 75 7,2 400 / 3 N 3 x 16 CEE 16
103 120 00
 122 52 / 57 67 / 82 / 95 1260 85 7,2 400/ 3 N 3 x 16 CEE 16
103 145 00
145 57 / 57 72 / 87 / 95 1260 95 9,6 400 / 3 N 3 x 16 CEE 32
103 173 00
177 57 / 69 72 / 87 / 104 1260 100 10,5 400 / 3 N 3 x 20 CEE 32
103 208 00
209 62 / 69 77 / 90 / 104 1260 115 13,3 400 / 3 N 3 x 25 CEE 32
ST 250 HD 103 250 00 253 68 / 69 84 / 96 / 104


130 13,3 400 / 3N 3 x 25 CEE32
New Model:
103 18804
188 75-52/57 98 / 80 / 98 1260 110 11,0 400 / 3 N 3 x 25

CEE 32

Model with ovale layout and
comfortable swinging lid with gas springs.




Set Rolls  
Set Wheels   with 75 mm diameter and locking features  

Ventilation Compressor

CompressorVentilation compressor cares for sufficient oxigen during regeneration. The air is conducted by means of a ceramic tube through the bottom of the kiln.

The device is supplied with electrical power via power socket at the kiln or at the wall.(see "Installation of compressor" below)




Installation of compressor to the kiln
 (must be ordered together with kiln)

Installation of compressorconsisting of :

      1 Power Switch
      1 Power Socket
      1 Ceramic Tube 25 mm Ø with Flange
      1 Hose with INOX Clamp
      Stand of Kiln prepared for Hose




Tube and hoses for ventilation to upgrade PYROTEC kiln.

(All PYROTEC Kilns for Regeneration are prepared for ventilation with Hole 25 mm Ø in the Bottom)

Tube and hoses for ventilation consisting of :  

      1 Ceramic Tube 25 mm Ø with Flange
      1 Hose Adaptor
      1 Hose with INOX Clamp


Brennofenbau GmbH
  Impressum AGB